Monday, December 23, 2019

The Design Arguments For The Existence Of God - 1401 Words

The design arguments for the existence of God center on the principle that an intelligent designer, in this case God, has crafted our world so that each item has a purpose and significant meaning. Additionally, the world is a complex and sometimes enigmatic system of elements which work together to sustain life in a way that some argue is unlikely to have occurred by pure chance alone. Therefore, some philosophers credit a divine being as the source of this order and purpose in the universe. Furthermore, William Paley offers a version of the design argument in which he employs simple analogy between a watchmaker and God to demonstrate God’s presence. However, critics of this approach to proving God’s existence object to this simplistic analogy of the origin of natural components in the world and instead argue that an evolutionary perspective better explains the existence of such objects and therefore, for the sake of simplicity, a divine being does not need to remain in the equation. As a result, both the objections of flaws in the format of Paley’s argument and the needless inclusion of God as a designer cannot successfully be refuted by supporters of Paley. Arguably the most famous design argument was proposed by philosopher William Paley who used the analogy of a watch and a watchmaker to illustrate his point of view. He claimed that a watch was created with many interconnected parts which moved together in very specific and precise motions to allow for its intendedShow MoreRelatedThe Design Argument For The Existence Of God1286 Words   |  6 PagesONE The design argument for the existence of God follows the model: 1) In nature, things appear to work together for a clear purpose. 2) The best explanation for these relationships is that God designed these things. 3) Therefore, God exists, as he was the one who designed nature. This argument contends that an intelligent designer of the world does exist, and structured the universe so that most natural things fit together for a clear purpose. We can recognize that things in nature seemRead MoreThe Design Argument for the Existence of God Essay698 Words   |  3 PagesThe Design Argument for the Existence of God The basis and structure towards the Design Argument is all about a creator and designer whom set things and planned everything to be the way it is today. Unlike the cosmological argument, the Design Argument is a lot simpler to understand and has simple steps towards it. The main point that the Design Argument claims is the fact that everything in nature seems to be put together in just the right manner suggests that an intelligentRead MoreThe Design Argument for the Existence of God Essay920 Words   |  4 PagesThe Design Argument for the Existence of God While theology may take Gods existence as absolutely necessary on the basis of authority, faith, or discovery, many philosophers have thought it possible to demonstrate by reason that there must be a God. The teleological argument, also known as the argument from design quite simply states that a designer must exist since the universe and living things display elements of design in their order, consistency, unity and patternRead MoreDoes God Exist?1074 Words   |  5 PagesDoes God Exist ? 1. What role do arguments play in answering this question? I think arguments have played an important role in analyzing and understanding the depth of this question, for mankind. Although the question itself seems factual (either it does or it doesn t), yet no arguments have been able to answer this question conclusively, despite many debates going on for centuries. One possible reason for that inconclusiveness may lie in our intuition and the way, humans define God and existenceRead MoreLimitations of the Arguments towards the Existence of God Essays1302 Words   |  6 Pagesconception of god is defined as the superme being that is all-powerful, all-knowing, omnipresence, perfection, all-loving and most kind. Although monotheism like Christian believe God which is perfect existed and they propose several arguments to prove God’ existence, however there are no evidence to show that god actually exist. Atheists suggested those arguments provide insufficient reason to believe. Furthermore, some arguments propose that it is possible to disprove the existence of God, or of certainRead MoreDoes God Exist?668 Words   |  3 Pagesculture has its God. Christianity and Islam have their own god; the Romans and Greeks had their Pantheon. A lot of people believe in god have thought that there is more to life the material world around us. It seems arises naturally the world over by believing in god. Does God exist? I believe in God is exists by the philosophical argument: ontological argument, the first cause argument, the argument form design, and the moral argument. Arguments relate to the existence of God are in differentRead MoreThe Design Argument : The Theory Argument1608 Words   |  7 PagesThe Design Argument In the past hundred years, a great debate has shaken the foundation religious and scientific beliefs of society. Philosophers have been arguing about such a debate for hundreds of years, but there does not seem to be any consensus on whether on the existence of god and the universe. The ancient world never battled over such questions, rather they had accepted the fact that the natural world was created by some being. However, as society made major advancements, the questionRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article On Being An Atheist By H. J. Gilman1664 Words   |  7 Pagesseveral arguments as â€Å"proof† of God’s non-existence to support his atheism. He attacks arguments made by advocates on the existence of God. The arguments argued by Theist are not arguments for proof of God’s existence but are arguments for definitive beliefs of God’s existence. Any argument on proving the Almighty God’s existence is unsatisfactory. The Theist does not attempt to offer â€Å"proof† of God’s existence but rather offer arguments that are the best explanations of the existence of God. MerelyRead MoreTwo Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of God1460 Words   |  6 Pagesto Compare and evaluate two philosophical arguments for the existence of God. Throughout the course of this essay we shall examine two of the major philosophical arguments for the existence of God. The arguments that we are going to focus on shall be the Design argument and the Ontological argument. We shall compare, evaluate and discuss both the Design (or teleological) argument for the existence of God and the Ontological Argument for the existence of God, as well as highlighting philosophical criticismsRead MoreAquinas’ has five proofs for Gods existence. His first proof is an argument from motion. Nothing600 Words   |  3 PagesAquinas’ has five proofs for Gods existence. His first proof is an argument from motion. Nothing can move itself unless it was placed into motion. His second proof is an argument from efficient causes. We experience a series of efficient causes of things. I didn’t exist to my prior existence. Nothing before exists. Nothing can be caused by itself. The third proof is the argument from possibility and necessity. We find natural things that are possible to be and not to be. Things come in and out of

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Jewish Religion and Its Impact on Western Culture Free Essays

The long, rich history of Judaism gives the western world its shape today. The laws, traditions, culture, and values are directly attributable to Judaism. Judaism most prominently began with the founder of the Hebrews known as Abraham, who began to worship a figure called â€Å"Elohim. We will write a custom essay sample on The Jewish Religion and Its Impact on Western Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now † Historically, the teachings of Judaism were also subscribed by nomadic tribes, which settled in present day Palestine, near Mt. Sinai. The people of these tribes did not label themselves as Hebrews, and referred to G-d as the G-d of Abraham. The beginning of the story came about as G-d promised Abraham a son, and in the course of the events doubting that his old wife could give him a son, he had Ishmael with his maid, Hagar. Later, G-d’s prophecy would be fulfilled with the birth of Isaac, by his wife Sarah. Due to their belief system, the tribe proliferated the idea that Isaac and his descendants were chosen by G-d to carry forward Abraham’s holy ancestry. Isaac was the forefather of what was to become the 12 tribes of Israel. These twelve original tribes were later enslaved for several generations in Egypt. In Egypt, the Jews were persecuted and sold into slavery. It was not until Moses, a Hebrew, adopted by the pharaoh, realized his duty to release his people from their oppression. He eventually led the people from Egypt into the desert where they wandered for 40 years. Throughout the history of the world, the Jewish people have been persecuted and oppressed because of their religious beliefs and faith. Many groups of people have made Jews their scapegoat. Jews have suffered from years of intolerance because people have not understood what the religion really means. They do not understand where and why the religion began, nor the customs of its people. For one to understand the great hardships, triumphs, and history of the Jewish people, one must open-mindedly peruse a greater knowledge of the Jewish people and faith, while acknowledging their impact on society today. All Western law is based in part on Judaic Torah observance. A quick look at the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) is a very good summary of most modern law that is followed today, along with the next three chapters in Exodus. Judaism believes in the equality of all people and if these commandments were not made and observed today, the equality of Western law would be replaced by position, power, or money. Another modern historical tradition adopted by from the Jews is how we eat. What is customary in Western society is a reflection of most of the Judaic dietary law. With the exception of the pig, Western society does not eat what is not contained in kosher law. Owls, mice, rats, and snakes are repugnant to most Westerners and it is a direct result of Jewish culture. A third example can be directly traced to Jewish culture in the way women are treated. Women’s rights were carefully maintained in this ancient culture, and today’s laws giving women equal rights under the law are a byproduct of Judaism. Unfortunately in today’s world, education is taken for granted, yet Judaism has long maintained education as the highest goal of man in his pursuit of Godliness. After the Babylonian Captivity, it was decreed that all the people should be educated, and this tradition has been passed to Western culture. Other defining characteristics of Western civilization which are influenced by Judaism are the recognition of the importance of each individual. Every person is believed to have worth and to deserve a life of dignity. In Jewish literature, this idea is first expressed in the first chapter of the first book of the Hebrew Bible, which says that people are created in the image of G-d. Because of this, every person is valuable. This idea was not common in the ancient world, where an individual’s social status often determined one’s importance and value. Also, the idea that trials must be fair is closely connected to belief in the rule of law. The Hebrew Bible and Talmud include numerous statements that emphasize the importance of fair trials and a wide variety of provisions to help ensure that trials are fair. Many of these provisions became key legal principles in the Western world. Jewish roots of legal principles have even been referenced by the U. S. Supreme Court. Lastly, giving charity is an important value in Western civilization that was not emphasized in most ancient cultures. In Judaism, on the other hand, supporting the needy is obligatory. Judaism has also played a significant role in the development of Western culture because of its unique relationship with Christianity, the dominant religious force in the West. Although the Christian church drew from other sources as well, its retention of the sacred Scriptures of the synagogue (the Old Testament) as an integral part of its Bible is crucial. Not only was the development of its ideas and doctrines deeply influenced, but it also received an ethical dynamism that constantly overcame an inclination to withdraw into world-denying isolation. It was, however, not only Judaism’s heritage but its persistence that touched Western civilization. The continuing existence of the Jews, even as pariah people, is both a challenge and a warning. Their liberation from the shackles of discrimination, segregation, and rejection at the beginning of the modern era was understood by many to be the touchstone of all human liberty. The two central events of 20th-century Jewish history were the Holocaust and the establishment of the State of Israel. The former was the great tragedy of the Jewish people, while the later was the light of a rebirth, which promise d political, cultural, and economic independence. The rest of the world has been forced to reconsider and reorient its relationship with Judaism and the Jewish people because of these two events. At the same time, the centers of Jewish life have moved almost exclusively to Israel and North America. Along with these developments, theological considerations and practical realities, such as interfaith marriage, have made Jewish religious culture a point of interest for many non-Jews. In the early 21st century, Jewish religious life continued to fragment along ideological lines, but that very fragmentation animated both moral imagination and ritual life. While ultra-Orthodox Judaism grew narrower, and some varieties of Liberal Judaism moved ritual practice even farther away from traditional observance, a vital center emerged, running from Reform Judaism to modern Orthodoxy. This center sought to understand Judaism within a broader context of interaction with other cultures while leaving the essentials of belief and practice unaffected. Predicting the future of Judaism is not an easy or desirable task, but there is reason to hope that the world will continue to draw upon the religious and cultural traditions of Judaism, both past and present. How to cite The Jewish Religion and Its Impact on Western Culture, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Level of Satisfaction on Library Facilites and Services free essay sample

CHAPTER I The Problem and its Background INTRODUCTION A Library is more than a place, more than books, films and records. Basically a Library is a gathering of ideas or information put in order and shared. Different groups of people use Libraries like teachers and students, youngsters and elderly, policemen and plumbers and politicians. Each group, each person has a different Library needs. Because no one Library can handle all needs, there are different kinds of Libraries, and they share materials with each other. There are no two Libraries that are exactly alike. But some have more in common than others. Because the money to run a public Library comes from taxes, it is a free Library for the public, everyone who lives in a certain neighborhood, city, country, or province. Such a Library serves all ages and groups as an information center, as a reading, viewing and listening for pleasure Library. There were early types of public Libraries in ancient Greece and Rome. However, they did not lend materials freely as do the world’s public Libraries today. Throughout the school days, students and teachers in elementary and secondary school need school Libraries to work in. The modern school Library in many countries is a learning center designed for both group and independent study. Besides books, the Library may contain magazines, newspapers, maps, posters, charts, models, teaching machines, films and filmstrips and slides to look at, records and tapes to listen to, and the equipment to use these. There may be special study and listening areas, conference rooms, and even a recording or TV studio. Such a Library is called a material center or media center. A large secondary school Library may have separate resource center for science, social studies, and other subjects. An academic Library is found in a College or University. Like a school Library, this Library is a workshop for students and teachers, but it often has anywhere from 50,000 to millions of books and other materials covering many special subjects. That’s why Scholars from outside the College or University frequently use such Library for research. A University may include 50 or more Libraries in its many schools- a Far Eastern studies Library, a Fine Arts Library, An Engineering Library, and so on. There may be separate Libraries for undergraduates and for rare books and manuscripts. Because of the vast amount of materials they handle, some academic Libraries use computers to keep track of the collection. The medical Library of a Hospital is a special Library. So are the Libraries of a Law Office, a weather bureau, a labor union, a museum, an arboretum, or any encyclopedia publishing firm. A special Library is a part of a Hospital, Business, or other Organization, and it offers practical information to the workers or members. Such a Library is not generally open to the public. Usually it concentrates on a particular subject or subjects like Medicine, Law, Climate and Weather, Labor, and Art. A special Library may have few books, relying heavily instead on such materials as magazines, reports, and computer printouts. These enable the Library to keep up in fast-moving fields such as aerospace. National Libraries are the Super Libraries of the world, with upwards of 80 million books and other materials in the largest. Because a National Library serves the Government of a country, it’s a special Library. It’s also a research Library for Scholars. In addition, many national Libraries are public in that they are for the people of an entire country. Upon entering its 4th year of foundation, the Lyceum of the Philippines University Cavite Campus has a need for improvement of the campus facilities to continue giving a top class educational satisfaction that the students expect upon enrolling in this University. And one of the facilities that is most used and needed by the students is the University Library because it is the most resourceful place for them. The Library supports the needs of students for informational material such as books, periodicals, and other readable materials that can provide useful information for the students. And to support the growing population of this University, some improvements might be required for the University Library to make sure that it can satisfy all of the students and even the future students of this University. As of today, Lyceum of the Philippines University Cavite Campus is still in developmental stage of its Library services and facilities. We all know that our Library does not have enough space to support the facilities that is needed to accommodate all Lyceans. That is why we had decided to conduct a study to determine the satisfaction level of selected CITHM students on the Library services and facilities, and to help the Administration by giving useful information that can be used to improve the University Library. Together with the CITHM department, we would like to help the University Library to gain higher satisfaction rate from students who is using the Library facilities and services. Our goal is to assess the level of satisfaction of selected students from the CITHM department and to pin point some of the possible things that we can add to make sure that the University Library is satisfying the students of this University. On one hand, is assesses the students satisfaction over the quality of the University Library’s services and facilities. And on the other hand, there is also a need to check on some specific aspects that may be used as points of improvement for the Library services and facilities. In the process, this will help the University Library to enhance its services and facilities to become more flexible and dynamic that will suit the specific needs of different students while maintaining the rules and regulations of the University Library. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The purpose of this study is to determine the Level of Satisfaction of Selected CITHM Students on the Library Services and Facilities. The following are some guide questions that can help us identify the possible improvements needed by the LPU-Cavite Library: †¢What is the Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of: †¢Age †¢Gender †¢Course †¢What are the different facilities offered at the Library of LPU Cavite? †¢Do all students feel the comfort in staying inside the school Library for reading and searching materials? †¢Does the school Library provide easy access to different reading materials available whether books or on-line information? Do the school Library provides the students enough research materials that they need? †¢Does the school Library distributes books according to the courses or subjects equally? OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY This study aims to identify the needs of students in using the school library. It focuses on the overall satisfaction that the University Library can provide to the students. The following are some specific objectives of the study: â⠂¬ ¢To find out if the LPU-Cavite Library has been satisfying the students by means of the facilities and services they offer. To identify possible improvements on the Library. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study seeks to help the University in improving the Library facilities and the services of LPU Cavite for the benefit of all the library users. It will be of most value to: †¢Professor – to provide them with enough teaching materials to aid instrument. †¢Alumni – to see the improvements of what they have researched about the LPU Cavite Library. †¢Future Researchers – to provide them other information and ideas in relation to their topic to be research. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Library Services Questionnaire/Survey and Facility Assessment for the students The diagram above shows how the study works. It shows where the information will come from by conducting survey, assessment by means of questionnaires to the target students about the Library services and Facility. The Data gathered will be use to identify the improvements needed by the Library. SCOPE AND LIMITATION The main focus of this study is to determine the Level of Satisfaction of Selected CITHM students on the library services and facilities. We also focus on â€Å"HOW? † CITHM students would be satisfied and â€Å"WHAT? † could the library do for the satisfaction of the CITHM students. Our research study time frame starts from JULY 2011 to OCTOBER 2011 and research study would be focusing at the LPU Cavite campus, with the respondents of selected CITHM and our data sources would also come from CITHM students, since we gather information from them. The research study would not be covering the library rules and regulations and some other things that tackle the Library safety and security.